1. Do I need to be a member of the Meeting of Minds forum to participate in McCaffrey Quest?
No. Of course we hope you will check out the MoM forum, but the contest is open to everyone, whether or not you have chosen to join.
2. How does it work? Will the questions be posted here or on the forum? How do we send in answers?
The trivia challenge questions will be posted on this site. Answers are to be sent via email. More detailed instructions on sending in answers will be posted with the actual trivia challenge.
3. How many questions will there be? What format will they be?
For MQ 2007 there will be 100 questions. The format will be mostly multiple choice, with about 10% of the questions being open-ended (about 10 questions).
4. Do I need to sign up in advance to participate?
No, there is no pre-registration for the challenge, simply come to this site during the announced time of the contest to view the questions, and send your answers in by the deadline.
5. What books and stories are included in the MQ 2007 challenge?
There is a list of all the books that questions will be from in the MQ2007 topic on the MoM forum.
6. When will the winners be notified and announced?
As soon as we have all the entries scored and figured out who the winners are! Seriously, it will depend on how many entries are received, but with the new multi-choice format I expect we'll be contacting the winners within a week. Once all the winners have been contacted and prizes selected from the prize pool, then we'll make the public announcement.
7. How many prizes will be given away?
It depends on how many people enter the challenge this year. Prizes are awarded to the top 10% of participants. If we have 67 entries, then 7 people will win a prize. If there are 22 entries, then 2 or maybe 3 people will win a prize.
8. When will next year's MQ be held?
Probably in November.
9. What will be the topic of the next MQ?
Well aren't you an eager beaver! We don't know yet; we'll hopefully take only a month or two after MQ 2007 is over to discuss and decide upon the topic. If you have a strong feeling as to what you'd like the topic should be, you should feel free to lobby for it. Of course we'll also feel free to pick what topic we want, but a strong fan campaign might sway us.
10. I have a question not answered here.
You can post it to the MQ forum on MoM (if you are a member) or send it via the MoM contact form (member or not).
McCaffrey Quest site copyright © 2005-2007. All rights reserved.
The McCaffrey Quest Trivia Challenge is run by the staff of A Meeting of Minds bulletin board.